What Does Butterflyfish Eat? (Diet Guide &  Feeding)

What Does Butterflyfish Eat? (Diet Guide & Feeding)

Butterflyfish are generally carnivorous, and butterflyfish eat almost everything of their compatible eating size that they can eat. Though some species are omnivorous that feed on algae growing on the reefs. The animals that the butterflyfish eat in the wild are crustaceans like shrimps, prawns, crabs, other small-sized crustaceans, delicate and hard corals, sea anemones, phylum cnidarian, and…

What Do Tuna Fish Eat? Food List | Diet | Eating Habits

What Do Tuna Fish Eat? Food List | Diet | Eating Habits

The tuna fish is an adaptable type of eater and feeds on anything to be found around. They are successful predators that foresight their prey and know best to use their eyes while chasing and capturing their prey for eating. Tuna fish are opportunistic in eating, but they prioritize the food. The most common tuna fish foods are whitebait, smoked herrings,…

What Do Guppies Eat? (Diet Guide & Feeding Tips)

What Do Guppies Eat? (Diet Guide & Feeding Tips)

Guppies are tropical freshwater fishes. They are also known as million fish and rainbow fish. They are lovely in nature. Feeding Guppy fish is a responsible duty you should have done properly. The guppies generally feed on a variety of foods present in the water, like algae, larvae, and small insects present on the surface of water or inside deep…