What Do Mollies Eat? (Favorite Foods & Feeding)

What Do Mollies Eat? (Favorite Foods & Feeding)

Molly fish’s eating behavior is slightly different than other fish, but before feeding them, you should know what do mollies eat. Mollies eat freshwater flakes, worms, krill, insect larvae, small crustaceans, brine shrimps, pellets, and gel food. What Do Mollies Eat In The Wild? Mollies are omnivorous, so their diet is comprised of both plant-based and…

What Do German Blue Rams Eat? (Foods & Feeding Tips)

What Do German Blue Rams Eat? (Foods & Feeding Tips)

Caring for german blue ram fish is essential to keep them alive and healthy, and feeding them suitable foods is the main part of the care. So what do german blue rams eat? German blue ram fish eat pellets, daphnia, worms, shrimps, flakes, vegetables, insects, and other tiny invertebrates. Feeding these foods will provide them…

Can Fish Eat Watermelon? (Dangerous or Safe?)

Can Fish Eat Watermelon? (Dangerous or Safe?)

Fish eat various foods, such as insects, pellets, flakes, meaty foods, veggies, and fruits. People usually consume watermelon, and many fishkeepers want o to share their food with their pet fish. Can fish eat watermelon? Fish can eat watermelon as it contains some essential nutrients required for health of the fish. Also, watermelon brings variety…

What Vegetables Can Goldfish Eat? (Favorite Veggies)

What Vegetables Can Goldfish Eat? (Favorite Veggies)

A goldfish diet consists of flakes, granules, veggies, etc. But veggies are also one of the important parts of their diet, so what vegetables can goldfish eat? Goldfish can eat veggies such as peas, spinach, cucumber, broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, and cabbage. These vegetables provide nutrients that are very useful in their growth. Can Goldfish Eat…