Do Guppies Eat Plants? (Know The Fact)

Plants are one of the important parts of fish in nature as well as in the aquarium. Guppies also get attracted to plants. One of the questions that arise in the mind is about that do guppies eat plants?

The straightforward answer to the above query is yes, and guppies can eat the plants whenever they feel hungry and want to eat the plants available in the surrounding.

Are Plants Safe for Guppies?

Yes, finally, the answer to this age-old question is here. The answer is yes, and plants are safe for guppies.

do guppies eat plants, can guppies eat plants

Researchers at the University of Florida-IFAS conducted a study on healthy guppies and how they react to different plants to determine any dangers.

They found that not only could guppies eat the plants without any problems, but they seemed to enjoy eating them as well.

It means that you can have your fish enjoy an aquatic garden or even use it as housing. You will never be forced to contemplate removing these amazing sustainable and affordable options from your tank again.

What Do Guppies Eat? (Best Foods & Feeding Tips)

Do Guppies Like Real plants?

Yes, guppies love real plants just as much as other fish. They are largely similar to the cichlids that live in glass tanks in your living room.

Guppies like real plants for many reasons, the same as people do like. They provide structure and shelter for hiding places, food, and a constant supply of oxygenated water.

They also offer protection from unwanted predators. When you feed guppies with a water-soluble plant, their waste products will cycle back into the water where all their friends can eat them.

Aquariums with fake plants are less eco-friendly, but they can harm fish as they are made of plastic.

What Plants Do Guppies Eat? 

They are an aquatic species typically 3 to 5 inches in length. As you may have guessed, they love having plants in their tank.

Fish of all types are drawn to the more natural scenery, but it is especially helpful for keeping your fish healthy. Let us take a look at some recommended plants for your guppies!

1. Java Ferns

Java ferns are good for the guppy fish tank because of their versatility. Depending on what you are looking for, they can be used as a ground cover or decorative element

This plant is great for water quality by filtering out ammonia and nitrates. They also help improve the overall water quality by removing nitrate and silicates. These plants can grow up to 12 inches in length.

2. Anubias Nana (Anubias Plant)

If you have larger fish, this plant may be a good fit. It’s also a great choice for low-light tanks because it can reach up to 16 inches in height and requires less light than most other plants.

These plants require very little care and provide a good visual experience for the guppies. A proper tank temperature of 79 F and 40″ of water depth is recommended for growing these plants.

3. Crypt Ludwigia (Cryptocoryne)

Another great plant for low-light tanks, Cryptocoryne, has small leaves that are a nice addition to any home aquarium.

They do well in low-light and are often kept with “normal” community fish such as catfish, tetras, and barbs. These plants prefer a temperature of 72 F and medium flow in the tank.

4. Dwarf Sagittaria (Dwarf Lily Plant)

These plants are for higher light or planted aquariums because they can grow up to 10 inches long! They do not tolerate lower temperatures and need medium water flow.

How Often Do Guppies Eat Plants?

Guppies may have a natural inclination to eat leaves. They eat their food for about an hour and then stop to rest.

But the guppies keep eating the plants because they have digestive systems that can’t break down the starches from plants and move on to an animal diet that they need more.

Like other fish, guppies are not vegetarians. Guppies are expected to live up to 140 days when fed plant foods only.

Guppies must have a ready food source during the warmer months when they are less likely to search for food.

In nature, floating plants are a few food sources available in shallow water during the summer months, when algae and other foods usually have deteriorated or become too deep to reach.

So it is extremely important to keep them in the tank and continue to feed your fish regularly.

How Much Do Guppies Eat Plants?

Guppies can eat 2.3 leaves of a plant per day. As for the plant guppies’ water needs, each plant guppy needs about one millimeter daily.

Along with the leaves, it can drink from a 2-liter bottle filled with tap water. The plant guppies should be fed with a small piece of lettuce or fresh spinach every other day and provided with a container to climb into and out.

If they do not have something to climb into, you can use nettles as substitutes because they are similar in size and shape.

Do Guppies Eat Aquatic Plants?

No, guppies do not eat aquatic plants. That is right, not even if you put a bowl of them in front of them. If your guppies eat all the aquatic plants, that does not mean they are hungry.

It just means there is more guppy food and not enough space for everything. Guppies require a steady supply of algae to stay healthy and should be fed daily with fresh vegetables like water lettuce.

Guppies need to eat plants to survive. But the truth is, it is notoriously difficult for them to find their favorite foods.

If lush greenery aquatic plants surround your fish tank, it is time to upgrade or a new home. Either way, three things will make your guppies’ life easier and more colorful.

A new fish tank with plenty of plants (ideally on the corner of the tank), artificial food made from algae wafers, and finally, a hidden feeder would be perfect.

Do Guppies Eat Floating Plants?

Yes, guppies need plants to feel at home. In general, they will eat floating plants from the water’s surface, either grazed on or eaten as a whole.

They also enjoy eating any algae accumulated on various surfaces throughout their habitat. Floating plants are especially popular among guppies because they provide a great source of food and shelter.

Guppies will typically stay close to their chosen food source, but if it is scarce or too far away, they may move onto other foods as well, such as spirulina algae tablets for turtles or aquatic vegetation.

It is why floating plants are so important. They provide a source of hunger-free nutrition for the fish without spending much energy.

Do Guppies Eat Aquarium Plants?

No, guppies do not eat aquarium plants. If they do, they are likely eating the roots of plants, which can lead to rot.

Even if guppies are eating aquarium plants, there is no way to tell just by looking. You will need a net to check for any damage.

The only way you can tell for sure is to use a ruler or tape measure and take measurements from the bottom of each plant in your tank.

Guppies eat nothing but algae and other microscopic organisms found in water.

They are not true predators and would never purposefully harm anything in the water around them that was alive before they were introduced into it (unless there was a fish tank cycle going on).

Guppies are one of the most popular fish to have in an aquarium because they are a lot of fun to watch and will swim around your tank all day long.

However, this type of fish is not aggressive at all, so they will not survive in any aquatic ecosystem where there is not enough food and space.

Also, guppies need water that is 6 to 7 pascals (about 290 to 300 degrees Fahrenheit), or else their swim bladder will expand and make it difficult for them to breathe properly – which would likely cause them great stress.

Do Guppies Like Real Plants?

Guppies are a popular fish found in pet stores and aquariums. A common question is whether or not guppies enjoy having real plants as a decorative piece.

The answer to this question is not straightforward, but it depends on the fish’s preferences and environment.

So yes, guppies do like real plants, as long as they are provided with the right conditions. Guppies need a variety of things to live in a healthy and sustainable environment.

They need enough water, shelter, food, and space to sleep. In some cases, it is possible that guppies will even require you to provide them with other living organisms like snails or their eggs.

But this can be not very easy if you do not know what plants your guppy needs. Most guppies enjoy three main types of plants: floating plants, bottom-dwelling plants, and rocks or wood lids for hiding places.

In general, guppies have been found to prefer artificial decorations over natural decorations, leading many aquarium enthusiasts to buy fake plants for their tanks rather than mess with live ones that need maintenance.

However, some sources say that they do prefer real plants over fake ones due to their more natural appearance and the feeling of security they provide from distractions like other fish and family members.

Do Guppies Eat Algae Off Plants?

Yes, they do eat. Guppies are omnivorous, meaning they eat both meat and vegetation. Guppies will usually focus more on nibbling on the algae off of plants than they will on anything else, but they’ll also forage for small bugs and fresh vegetation.

Guppies can survive without food for up to three days. However, if you are planning to go away for a weekend or more, you should feed them once or twice before leaving to ensure that they don’t starve while you are gone.

Algae is an important nutrient in any tank with live plants because it helps to keep everything clean and healthy by converting nutrients into oxygen with little effort.

The guppy is a small fish native to South America. Often found in people’s homes as ornamental fish, they are also bred for the aquarium trade.

Guppies are omnivores, meaning that they will eat plant matter as well as small invertebrates like insect larvae.

However, guppies prefer to consume algae at their first opportunity, which means that it is important to provide them with algae-based foods early on in their lives.


After getting a brief answer about whether guppies can eat plants or not, now you may have got to know about the eating behavior of guppies toward plants. They get easily attracted to plants, and floating plants can also be considered as their diet part.

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